
Stucky (Captain America); Jim Prideaux & Bill Haydon (TTSS); Daniel Brühl

Desensitization or Recovery?



《冬日士兵》中,Steve Rogers许下愿望:"Remember who you are." 按说宇宙魔方换回了Bucky的所有记忆 ( "I remember it all, down to the last detail.")但是Bucky接收的记忆却还是不完整的("My memory's a bit spotty"),直到Bucky在和钛化人Boris Bullski的搏斗中被推到了极限。



…My dreams are the worst I've ever had. Images of the Winter Soldier fold in on each other... I see things I forgot happened... Like a door unlocking in my mind... Torture... Slaughter... And training others in their use... So much horror... I wake up vomiting.

创伤的症状之一是记忆缺失(spotty memories),可能原因是人的本能认为记起它太痛苦,最好的办法就是忘掉不去想然后就真的“忘了”(其实是掩埋和压抑)……这些被埋藏掉的记忆一旦被翻开又是心理和生理层面的折磨。

如果Bucky去阻止西风计划的其他冬兵,他会暴露 (与exposure therapy的区别:1. 阶段性:想象-描述-场景 2. 引导下的安全与可控 "exposed to imagery of their traumatic memories, as well as real-life situations related to the traumatic event in a step-by-step, controllable way." Edna B. Foa, Elizabeth A. Hembree, Barbara Olasov Rothbaum)。也许Bucky的追寻会在感受和认知方面提供某种积极的可能,但它的效果近似脱敏,增强的是耐受阈值,离真正意义上的解脱和痊愈还有多远?


